Sunday, 26 September 2004


A lot of things have happened lately. I had a photo shoot a few days ago where I took pictures for my single. I'm planning the look of the cover as we speak. I have also been interviewed by a local magazine and gotten a chronical about homosexuality published in five newspapers. You can read the article by clicking here and if you want to read my chronical just click here.

My website has got about 150 visitors a day and that feels great! I want to thank all of you who link to my website and help me spread my music all over the world.

Bimbo Boy

Friday, 10 September 2004

What is Pride?

This summer my friends and I went to the Stockholm Pride festival. This annual love festival for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people has taken place every summer since 1998 and has become more and more popular through the years. I've been thinking a lot about what Pride and homosexuality means to me and I'd like to share my thoughts with you.

I came out as a homosexual four years ago, 16 years old. After that I've changed a lot and become a completely different person. I feel more comfortable about myself and I enjoy my life more. My family didn't take it that well at first but now they don't have problems with me being a homosexual.

My dad once told me, concerning my sexuality: "You might get beaten up!" I just replied: "Dad, people get beaten up for a lot of things, it doesn't matter what you do. People get annoyed about everything. I'd rather get beaten up for being myself than pretending to be someone I'm not. The only way to make people get rid of their prejudice is to not hide. If we are going to change this society we have to dare to be ourselves."

I've always liked straight forward and honest people. There's nothing worse than people who talk behind people's backs. That's why I always think it's great when heterosexual people come up to me and ask questions. I've even experienced straight guys telling me that they are homophobic but are willing to change their opinion.

It's quite usual that straight guys have something against gay guys. I'm not really sure about why it is that way, but I guess it's because they're not secure about their own sexuality or that they in general are afraid of things they don't know much about. Many of them don't dare to approach these persons because they are afraid that the homosexual guys are going to make a move on them. They take it for granted that just because you're gay you hit on any male person. Isn't that silly? Even gay men have platonic relations to other guys, believe me!

Many people claim that homosexuality is abnormal and that it's against the laws of nature.
They often say that man was born with the instinct of reproduction. But it doesn't have to mean that just because you're straight you want to have children, does it? And besides, homosexuality exists among animals as well so why turn love into something biological? Actually I think that is pretty scary.

I believe that we are all born bisexual and that we then are affected by society to "choose" what suits us the most. When we are born we don't know anything, we are completely in reset status and indifferent. Almost everything that we know, we learn as children. In that way homosexuality may depend on upbringing or that kind of factors, or maybe it's genetic. Whatsoever, I don't think that there's nothing wrong with that. If your son wants to play with Barbie dolls and try on mother's clothes, let him do that. You don't want to force any roles on your child, do you?

Many people refer to religion to make homosexuality something sinful and abnormal.
I believe that if there is a God who is good, he accepts all human beings the way they are. My grandmother is religious and she often tells me that they sometimes discuss homosexuality in the church. She tells me quite clearly that she doesn't have any problems with that. It's good because it also tells me that there are many Christians who accept homosexuals.

I don't understand how people have the energy to get involved with other people's private lives. Why harass and hurt people just because they are different from you? Even if you would have problems with homosexual persons I think you might as well keep it for yourself or at least be open-minded for other opinions.

At first I found it a little bit silly to have a festival for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, because I thought that it would make the distance between members of the LGBT-society and heterosexuals even bigger. I tried to think about it differently and thought that it probably would be a little bit strange to have a similar love festival for heterosexual persons.
However, I changed my mind after a while. Just like other minority groups, LGBT-persons have often been harassed and persecuted because of their sexual orientation for many years. So why not let these people celebrate that they finally dare to be themselves? The fact that development has got so far that the hatred against LGBT-persons has decreased is a sign of us becoming more educated and that people listen more to their hearts and conscience.

So, what does Pride mean to me? Pride is for me a big celebration of love where for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people get together with heterosexuals and have fun. It's a festival that makes us who belong to this minority group to show that we dare to be ourselves and that we won't be oppressed. I hope that in the future we'll be more open for things that stand out and are a little different.
The most important thing is that we all respect each other.

© Dennis Svedberg Hellström

Thursday, 1 July 2004

Bimbo Boy is proud of his pink personality

Last week, the local entertainment magazine Nöjesmix wrote this article about me with an interview:

The editorial staff received a letter from Bimbo Boy. A sparkling artist in pink, from Sandviken, who thought that some attention would be nice and who was hoping to perform in this year's Stockholm Pride Festival.

Why do you call yourself Bimbo Boy?
It's because I've always looked up to female artists with a sexy image, for example Kylie Minogue and Samantha Fox. They've often been called bimbos by the media and that got me really pissed off. They haven't been taken seriously because of their image and I think that is wrong. So I decided to call myself Bimbo Boy, just to start some kind of discussion. Besides, not many guys would call themselves a bimbo since the word seems to only apply women. Bimbo Boy is a kind of provocative name for an artist and people notice it, which I like.

What's the goal with you being an artist?
The most important thing of course is the music, but I also see the music as a way to mediate things. I believe, as an artist, you have greater possibilities to reach people and make your voice heard.

Why do you use music and not other forms of art?
I both write and draw a lot and I'm very interested in movies. But music is what I like the best, I think. I grew up with music, and I'm surrounded by it every day. Besides, music is something we all receive, whether we like it or nor.

Will you be playing during the Pride Festival this year?
Well, yes, we'll see what the summer will bring. I've been in touch with Lars Åke Wilhelmsson – Babsan, that is – who offered me to perform at the Patricia gay club this summer.

What are you doing currently?
At the moment I'm working on the release of my debut single, so there's quite a lot to do. The most fun part, besides singing of course, is to market yourself, I think. I've gotten really good at that the last few years.

What do you do when you're not your alter ego – when you're just Dennis?
During the weekdays I study at a folk high school and the rest of the time I hang out with my friends, do some shopping or enjoy movies and music.

What are the goals for the next three years?
The goal is to be able to work with my music full time, and eventually be able to support myself doing what I like. In general, I want to have a healthy life, do a lot of fun stuff and maybe even find myself a boyfriend.

What do you think about the music in Sandviken?
Actually, I don't know much about local bands. I listen to plastic pop and disco and I don't think that genre is really represented around here. But if anyone knows any band within that genre, just let me know.

What would you like to say to the local inhabitants?
Never forget to be yourselves, and if you're ever sad, buy something pink. It always works for me.


Tuesday, 4 May 2004

What is courage?

When you hear the word "courage" many of you might think of superheroes and freedom fighters like Gandhi and Martin Luther King. When I hear "courage" I think of all those everyday heroes among us. I believe these unknown heroes are just as important as all the known ones.

So, who is an everyday hero? To me it's a person who is himself and who dares to stand up for his opinions. A person who dares to go against the stream and not fall for peer pressure. I think it's very important one dares to be oneself. I often see people who keep quiet about their opinions because they're afraid what everyone else might think. It's sad to see so many people take a lot of crap from others, and to just keep it within themselves. I wouldn't be able to stand it if I wasn't able to express my opinion.

Is it fair to pretend to be someone you're not and agree with everything, only so you won't be seen as an outsider? I would rather be an outsider than to pretend to be someone else. I believe the most important thing is to be yourself, and if we don't take that chance, then we've lost part of our identity.

I once knew a person who thought I was selfish and self-centered because I don't get involved in world problems. He also believed every human should actively work for peace on earth, and see to it that justice is made. This guy also believed everyone should be politically active, and as I wasn't very read up on politics and world wars, he patronized me. He almost seemed to think I was stupid.

I agree there is a need for commitment, but I also think there are many ways to show that you care. Not everyone can be engaged in the same things. I become very depressed when I hear about war and similar things, and politics really aren't my thing. As already there are many who are a lot more read up on those things, I think it's better I leave it to them. Instead I try to concentrate on changing the world on a smaller scale. I try to improve my surrounding and work against bullying and prejudice.

I don't think I'm a worse person because I'm not politically active, but I believe there are plenty of ways to improve the world. For me, it's about concentrating on my own surroundings. For me, courage doesn't need to be about fighting for world peace. It can be about daring to say your opinion and stand up for what you believe in.

I would like to give a standing ovation to all those everyday heroes out there, and those of you who dare to be yourself. Hang in there!

© Dennis Svedberg Hellström

Friday, 16 April 2004


Today I got a culture scholarship. After reading about my project and listening to my music the Lars Bucan fund decided to give me 3000 Swedish crowns. I feel very honoured and the money will go to my music production.

By the way, the online magazine has written an article about me and my music.

Bimbo Boy